Saturday, July 26, 2008

Decisions, decisions...

Should I continue this thing? I can't decide.

On one hand, I only made it from July to August last year before abandoning it.
On the other hand, I really felt good about what I did write, and I think that if I can force myself to actually write, I'll be glad that I did.

I thought about putting everything on afrodiary and just having separate journals for school, personal, etc... but there I can't get as much response from teachers, and that's pretty valuable.

So... who knows what'll happen.


East Coast Teacher said...

For me, blogging is very therapeutic...I say, keep going.

If your concerned about anonymity and all that, maybe two blogs wouldn't be a bad idea.

And, you could always go private.

Duez said...

Becky - I agree with ECTeacher. You need to see if you can get something out of blogging. If it is rewarding to you it will be worth the time.

Mandy said...

I just stumbled across your blog. I am a fifth grade teacher in Colorado. I fell off the face of the blogging planet two years ago, until a few days ago.

I read some of your old posts, and you look like just the kind of teacher blogger I ws looking for! I am 27 and starting my fourth year this fall.

If you decide to stick with it, I will keep stopping by.